Motorcycle Accident – Helmet Safety

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Motorcycle Helmet Safety

Texas Motorcycle Lawyer Discusses Motorcycle Helmet Safety in Texas

In one year alone, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration reported that the lives of 1,829 motorcyclists were saved due to the use of a helmet. Had all motorcyclists involved in fatal motorcycle accidents that year worn helmets, the NHTSA estimated that another 823 lives of motorcyclists could have been saved. This stark statistic speaks to the seriousness of motorcycle helmet safety and why every motorcyclist must give proper consideration to the usage of a motorcycle helmet. More about McAllen Motorcycle Accident Lawyers here
Twenty states require motorcyclists to wear helmets. Twenty seven states only require certain motorcyclists, such as those under 21, to wear helmets. Three states have no motorcycle helmet laws at all. This apparent discrepancy between the states in regard to motorcycle helmet safety speaks to the contentious nature of these laws. Many motorcyclists feel that they ought to be given the choice as to whether or not they have to wear a helmet while riding their motorcycle. Many others feel that the dangers of riding without a helmet outweigh the motorcyclists’ choice, so they’d rather have the government mandate that all riders wear helmets. Consequently, motorcycle helmet safety laws have seen many variations over the years, and further changes in state law across the country will likely be experienced in the future.

However, the use of a helmet can greatly lessen the opportunities for severe injury or death to occur to a motorcycle rider or motorcycle passenger involved in an accident. Due to their lack of safety features in comparison to a passenger vehicle, motorcycles provide little protection to their riders. Motorcyclists have a 35% greater opportunity of experiencing a fatal accident in comparison to a passenger vehicle driver per vehicle mile traveled. Since even a low-speed motorcycle accident can result in a rider being thrown to the ground or ejected from their motorcycle, a head injury is an unfortunate but highly common result of a motorcycle wreck. The NHTSA reported that motorcycle helmets are 37% effective in preventing rider fatalities, and 41% effective in preventing passenger fatalities. Additionally, states that require the use of a helmet saw an increase in helmet usage, from 78% to 86%.

Motorcycle helmet safety is an important issue for every motorcyclist to consider before getting out onto the open road, especially in states that do not require adult motorcycle drivers to wear helmets. The use of such a helmet could prevent brain damage, disfigurement, a severe head injury, or death.