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  • Failure to Diagnose

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  • Other Types of Injury Accidents

    HOW WE AT HOWARD, MORRISON, ROSS & WHELAN CAN HELP There are countless accidents which can cause severe and even life-threatening injuries. Regardless of the

  • Truck Accidents

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Car Crash Kills Young Student Driver

Every adult remembers the day when they were finally able to get behind the wheel of a car and drive. Learning how to drive a car is one of the first steps towards adulthood, and in a way a step towards freedom. Being able to travel around at will can be considered such a benefit to our society, and many times we take it for granted. With driving come the responsibilities of the road, learning the ways of street and freeways, and the necessary tools to stay safe.

One of the biggest concerns today is the safety hazards that are caused by drivers using cell phones. The moment of distraction from the road is causing the deaths and injuries of thousands of people. In Columbus, Ohio a young 16 year old driving student was involved in a fatal car accident because another driver on the road was texting rather than paying attention to the other cars around him. Daniel Jacobs, 58, was arrested for aggravated vehicular manslaughter and he pleaded guilty knowing that the death of this young victim was his fault. Jacobs is now going to spend three and a half years in prison for his crime.

Dalton Ludwig was learning to drive when his training car was hit by Jacobs who not only was driving and distracted but also claims that his tire exploded. Once the car was hit, Dalton was then thrown into another parked car resulting in his death. Car accidents are unfortunately very common, though that doesn’t mean the families of the victim have to sit back and do nothing. If you or someone you know has been injured or killed in a car accident, contact the Law Offices of Howard, Morrison, Ross and Whelan today. This team has years of experience with personal injury cases that involve car accidents, and you deserve legal representation that will fight hard for you!

Is Distracted Driving That Dangerous?

Every year more than two million vehicles are involved in car accidents in the United States. In 2011 alone, the state of Virginia saw over 120,000 traffic accidents, with close to 64,000 people being injured, and 764 fatalities. One of the most common causes of car accidents in Virginia and across the U.S. is the distracted driver. One moment of inattention can lead to a tragedy that could have easily been avoided.

Driving distractions can come in many forms. The three main types of driver distraction occur when an individual takes their hands off the wheel for one reason or another, they take their eyes off the road, or they take their mind off their driving. Eating, changing channels on the radio, using the GPS, personal grooming, talking or texting on a cell phone, or just not paying attention due to wandering thoughts are all distractions to a driver.

Thus it is no surprise that distracted driving is one of the primary causes of vehicle accidents, and cell phone use alone contributes to 18% of all distraction-related fatalities in America. If you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a car accident you suspect was caused by a distracted driver, you need to contact a Virginia personal injury attorney from our firm right away.

Contact Howard, Morrison, Ross and Whelan today in order to schedule a confidential consultation and review of your case. Let our expertise provide you with the aggressive representation you deserve.