The value of each case is determined on an individual basis. Personal injury allows the victim of negligence acts to receive compensation for medical bills, pain, suffering, psychological and emotional damages and financial losses. The details of each case will determine the final outcome. For example, if you sustained a catastrophic injury, you may be able to receive more as the injury tends to be more severe and has permanent, negative life-altering affects. It is important to remember that every claim is different.
Slip and fall cases can be more serious then medical malpractice, depending on the situation. A knowledgeable attorney will be able to provide you with counsel and advice as to the expected value of your case. We pride ourselves on being able to properly assess our adversary—normally the insurance company—and manipulate every situation to our benefit. When you hire us, we become partners in the pursuit of the maximum recovery possible, whether it is through trial or negotiation.
Our law firm has handled hundreds of cases over our decades of service since the firm was first established. We are highly qualified and will be able to answer your questions about the potential value of your claim. Every detail is of the utmost importance when evaluating a case. The goal of our firm is to receive the maximum amount of compensation possible. Making you whole physically, emotionally and financially is our only priority.
The professionals at our firm have over one hundred and twenty years of combined personal injury experience. We have won millions of dollar for our clients and are prepared to evaluate your injury claim. Our firm has received national recognition for its success including being voted one of the “Best Lawyers in America” for the past 19 years. These honors reflect directly on the dedication and hard work committed to each individual we represent. Careful review combined with an aggressive approach to resolving injury claims can be significant for you with regard to the final outcome of your case. We are here to help you get the compensation you deserve.